Are Your Family Members Aware of What Constitutes as a Traffic violation?
Central Florida Bonding wants you to make sure that before your newly minted driver heads out on the road, that they are aware of all of the different types of traffic violations, the severity of these violations, and the penalties for these violations.
Traffic violations can be infractions, misdemeanors, or felonies. Traffic infractions are defined as “an act or omission that’s prohibited by law but isn’t a crime.”
Traffic infractions are common and include such acts as:
•Careless driving
•Failure to obey traffic control signal
•Making an illegal U-turn
•Running a red light or a stop sign
•Failure to yield

Another option is to pay the ticket and take a driver improvement course so that you won’t incur points on your license. A driver improvement course could also help you to avoid an increase in car insurance rates.
A traffic misdemeanor is more serious. Examples of traffic misdemeanors include:
•Driving without a valid driver’s license
•Driving without automobile insurance
•Driving under the influence (DUI)
•Failure to stop at the scene of an accident
•Reckless driving